COVID-19/ Corona virus status

Kære kunde/ Leverandør

Ping IT er stadig åben og vi forsøger under omstændighederne, at holde samme høje service niveau som altid.

Som de fleste virksomheder har Ping IT valgt at lytte til den danske regeringens retningslinjer og anbefalinger for at mindske spredningen af coronavirussen.

For at kunne gøre dette, har det betydet skærpelse af interne procedurer, der sikrer at Ping IT på en ansvarlig måde, stadig er i stand til at servicere vores kunder og øvrige samarbejdspartner.

Vi følger situationens udvikling nøje og har med stor respekt for Statsministerens opfordring til at ”vi står sammen, uden at stå sammen” valgt at fortsætte driften.  

Det vil sige vi fortsat er tilgængelige på telefon, e-mail osv. .

Pt. er det udadtil ”business as usual” med de forbehold at: 

  • Vi ikke ønsker fysiske møder .
  • Alt rejse aktivitet er på stand-by.
  • Der kan forekomme forsinkelser på forsendelser fra vores samarbejdspartnere.
  • Fragtselskaber bedes respektere de retningslinjer, der oplyses om ved leverancer.

For Managed Services kunder henvises til de fremsendt forholdsregler. Alternativt kan disse fremsendes personligt ved henvendelse til undertegnede.

Såfremt situationen ændrer sig, vil vi løbende opdatere omkring ændrede tiltag. 

Har du spørgsmål er du velkommen til at kontakte:

Direktør Jesper Villadsen


Telefon: +45 98 15 47 77


Dear customer/ supplier 

Ping IT is still open for business and we are trying, with respect for the circumstances, to maintain the same high service level as always.

As most companies Ping IT has chosen to listen to the Danish Governments directions and recommendations to reduce the risk of spreading the virus.

In order to do this Ping IT has applied internal procedures, to secure that Ping IT still in a responsible way are able to service our customers and other partners.

We are paying close attention to the development of the situation and with respect for the Danish Prime Minister’s words: “We need to stick together and help each other without actually being together” chosen to continue the business.

This means our employees still are available on phone and e-mail. For our customers it is “business as usual”.

Only exceptions are:

  • No physical meetings
  • All traveling is on stand-by
  • Delays on shipments from supplier may occur
  • Transport companies must respect the guidelines given for deliveries to Ping IT

If the situation changes we will keep you updated.

If you have any questions please contact:

CEO Jesper Villadsen


Phone: +45 98 15 47 77

© Ping IT A/S 2024

Thank you for visiting the Ping IT website.

Ping IT A/S has changed name to T1A Enterprise A/S and have become a part of T1A Group.
As part of T1A Group we will going forward share a website with T1A A/S, T1A Ltd and T1A Deutschland.

Please visit the new website here:
(You will find us in the blue section under Asset recovery)

Although we change our name, we will remain at the same address, with the same VAT number and keep providing the same high level of support the company has been known for the past 12 years.

The change will be during the coming weeks, and we thank you all for your continued support and patience while we make the transition.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at +45 98 15 47 77.

Have a great day.

Best regards
T1A Enterprise A/S